This is a pic of me and my dad, after an evening of brewing. |
Howdy! My name is Mike and I am from Ashburn VA, I am new to blogging, and never have done so before... So I figured, what better topic than my latest adventures in home brewing. This blog was largely inspired by the Bertus Brewery Blog . I have learned volumes of information following Scott on his blog, and really looked at his blog as a valuable reference and resource that ultimately contributed to me brewing a better beer. I really have learned so much from his blog and from others like him, that share there own home brewing experiences... So I got to thinking, that perhaps I should share my lessons learned and experiences as well, and who knows... possibly that could help someone else brew a better beer as well. And we all know better beer, makes the world a much better place.
It all started when a buddy handed me one of his own homebrew IPA's off his kegerator. Simpy put, that was the best beer I had ever had up until that point... I was convinced this was something I needed to try for myself, and literally in the next few months I started homebrewing, that is all it took...
Since that point my approach to home brewing and the complexities involved has evolved tremendously. I started with extract kits, as most do... That evolved gradually through, developing my own recipes and onward to partial mashing and beyond to electric all grain brewing. There has been many lessons learned along the way, some through mistake and some through intention, and many from friends... Nonetheless, over time the quality of my home brew has improved. I credit that to those that have shared there lessons learned, far more than I credit my own. I am by no means a professional brewer, and have no aspirations to be. I actually enjoy the casual but structured process of the brew day, the patience of the fermentation and the evolution of whats on tap. The fact is, im a busy person in my work and family life and I look at brewing as my time ,my hobby, my time to relax and have a homebrew.
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